DC Sports
Short Shift Adapter - Installation |
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I just received a DC Sports short shift adapter with
a set of Momo Aluminum Pedals for
$50 shipped, a pretty good deal since a new short shifter costs $50-$100
and a Momo pedal set also costs $50-100.
The Accord does not have a direct mechanical linkage for the transmission
but uses a series of cables instead. The short shift adapter changes
the location that the cables connect to the shifter thereby reducing
the amount the shifter needs to move. I estimate it only decreased
the throw by 1/2"-1" so it's not a huge difference, but one you can
feel. I'm glad I got a good deal b/c there's no way I'd pay $50 for
the adapter alone! I guess my next step is to cut
the shifter so it's not so long.
The Sport Shifter was an easy install and took about an hour last
night, but only b/c i wasn't sure what I was doing. I couldn't find
a good DIY guide even though I knew it existed. Funny thing is, I
found it this morning... I won't put up my own guide because
someone else already has an excellent guide up but here's a picture
of what mine looks like. |