click for a larger image |
Here is a smaller picture of the WRC WRX STi transformer
as a car form with working doors, hood and trunk. |
Here is a larger picture of the car version. |
Here is a larger picture of the robot version. |
Here is some art for the car. |
Picked up my own STi Transformer from
Target for $19.99 It's pretty cool. |
Looks good eh? |
The trunk, hood and doors all open! |
It's even got an engine and intercooler. |
PLUS, it transforms into a poseable robot!
The most complex Transformer I've ever seen... |
Oh look, it's Blinky, the three eyed
fish from the Simpsons! |
Oh no! Smokescreen just shot him dead! |
He's picking up Blinky! |
He's going to throw him! |
No, he just slung him over his shoulder. |
Now he's hanging him by his tail! Poor
Blinky! |
A nice little animation I made. |