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Cheese Grits

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Source: Me
Yield: 2 Cup
Serving Size: 1 Cup
Servings: 2

Yummy! Grits! These are a creamy, cheesy, savory version.

This recipe results in slightly thinner grits. Adjust the liquid as you desire.

You can cut down to 1.5 cups water if you want really thick grits, but they will solidify when cooled (so much that I broke a cheap Chinese ceramic soup spoon trying to dish it out from the fridge once).

Ingredient Amount Calories Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
0.25 Teaspoon 0 0 0 0
Grits, Quick, Dry
0.5 Cup 260 1 58 6
Cheese, Cheddar
3 Ounce shredded 342 28.2 1.2 21.3
2 Cup 0 0 0 0
Butter, Unsalted
1 Tablespoon or cream (optional) 102 11.5 0 0.1
Total: 704 40.7 59.2 27.4
Per Serving: 352 20.4 29.6 13.7


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Boil water with salt. Add grits, stirring constantly for the first minute and breaking up any clumps. Reduce heat to simmer (med-low)

For quick grits, continue to simmer for 5 minutes, for regular 15-20 minutes until al dente. Stir often. Instant grits are not recommended.


Reduce heat to low, sprinkle 1/2 of cheese, stir until melted, then add second half.


Mix in butter or cream if desired or serve grits and allow diners to do so themselves.

That's it! Simple!

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