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  Friday August 2, 2002 - Hot Spring Trip

Small town in the mountains.

Beautiful flowers in the mountains.

Small houses in the mountains.

Long water pipe coming down from the mountains.

Nice bridge connecting two mountains.

Beautiful trees in the mountains.

More houses in the mountains.

A beautiful view in the you know what.

Old style dining room with old fasioned wood/charcoal stove in the center.

45-degree tram line down the mountain.

There it goes!

The bottom of the valley.

Looking up from the bottom.

The valley with a small rope bridge across it.

From a little higher.

Inside the tram.

Walking to the vine bridge.

A bridge made entirely out of vines (except for the hidden, disguised steel cables)

Some of the women are a bit apprehensive of crossing.

It's a pretty wobbly bridge, but not too bad.

Just don't look down and you'll be ok. By the way, if you don't look down, you're probably going to step in between the planks and fall.

Grabbing on to Poyao for dear life.

I'm almost there!

The end is in sight!

Solid ground! Praise the Lord!

A nearby waterfall. Very pretty.

Large composite view. (600x1000 ~180kB)

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