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  Monday July 15, 2002

Phil: Finally, after a week in Japan, we attend a sushi bar! This is one of the moving boat sushi restaurants where all your selections pass by you on a conveyer belt. It was very tasty and it had the freshest fish I've ever had! The tuna was amzing, the darkest red tuna I've ever seen, and the smoothest, sweetest fatty tuna ever! Raw crab legs were one of the specialties at almost $4.00 a piece, while the regular sushi was between $0.50 and $1.50 per piece, making this sushi almost half the price of a good restaurant in the U.S.
Poyao: Finally, some sushi, I've been waiting to get my hands on some raw fish ever since I got here. I was almost going to go and catch fish myslef. Fil and I had a contest and I won of course... 10 plates vs 9 plates! NOTICE: the color coordination...

Phil: We were playing a game called Gura-Gura in which you have a leaning tower of Pisa and add little plastic statues to it until it falls over. It was quite fun. We also found this little flag in the box. I'm not quite sure why I found it so funny, but the flag says "Porks" and has a pig snout. It was so absurd and random that I was totally cracking up.
Poyao: Fil couldn't stop laughing about this flag he was holding up... I believe God was trying to tell us something about our food consumption in the above photo.

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