Mana (named after the manna bread given by God to the Israelites) and Minoru
(which means fruitful).
Poyao: These are two of my favorite children that I play with at church.
Phil: That's because they are the only two who don't run away from him.
Minoru and Mana again. KAWAI!!!
Poyao: Phil is so KAWAI!!!!
Udon with Tempura - Before
Poyao: My bowl of Udon ~ Before
Udon with Tempura - After
Poyao: My bowl of Udon ~ After 5min
Preparing for dinner.
Poyao: Chop those veggies up!!! I want them nice and minced!
Phil's cooking skills meet Japanese Samurai techniques.
Poyao: I'm not sure what looks scarier, The Knife chopping technique or
Fil's teeth.