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  Saturday July 20, 2002 - Time With Students!

Ice Cream Party and a night on the Town

Miwa and Hiroko display the classic American Sundae, they Banana Split at the Ice Cream Party!

Playing The Name Game at the Ice Cream Party. Members of two teams try to guess each others' names when the blanket drops between them.

Waiting for the blanket to be dropped.

Your name is Ellie!

Choosing the next person to sit behind the blanket.

Waiting for the next turn.

Katie playing with the kids.

Now THAT's a big beer!

Currently popular in Japan: blind group dates!

After 30 minutes, the blind group date shuffles their positions so they can get to know everyone else.

Traffic in the streets of Tokushima

Waiting for each other in downtown Tokushima

The darker side of Tokushima: the man on the left manages "business" for the two women.

Music listing for our Karaoke system.

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