July 27, 2002 - BBQ!!! |
Poyao: I'm hungry.... wait, i just ate this 3 hrs ago?!!!
Need more beef. MORE BEEF!!!
Poyao: I had an all BEEF diet.
Morisawa-sensei serves the so-mein noodles by putting them into a bamboo
aqueduct from which you must pick your noodles!
Poyao: Ever diligent in his service and to God's ministry....sensei dishes
out the so-mein!
Poyao with Yoshiki and Yoko enjoy their so-mein noodles.
Poyao: with Yoshiki and Yoko enjoy their so-mein noodles.
Takako grabs a big bunch of noodles!
I think it's easier not to use chopsticks at all!
Poyao decides to try a similar method.
Uh-oh. No more noodles!!! :(
But still plenty of fun!
Now, time for fireworks! |