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  Monday July 29, 2002 - Misc.

Growing in popularity in Japan are 100 yen stores, much like US dollar stores where you can get all sorts of cheap stuff.

Cable car to ascend Mount Bizan

View of Tokushima City

Poyao is afraid of heights.

Higher view of Tokushima City

They've got video telescopes at the top of the mountain. This one has been aimed at our church! The arrows, from left to right are: 1) Large classroom, where advanced classes are taught, 2) main gathering room where English classes meet for worship and snacks on weekdays and where church has lunch on Sundays, 3) the chapel building.

At the top of the mountain is a memorial/shrine to commemorate Japanese soldiers who died in Malaysia. I found it interesting that juxtaposed next to this place of spirit/ancestor worship is a second tower of modern media and commercialism that is equally, if not more, worshipped by the general population.

The entrance to the memorial shrine.

The team lounges by another media antenna.

View of Tokushima City from above.

Panoramic view of Tokushima City from the mountain top (click for larger version - 2800x480pixels - 180kB)

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