July 31, 2002 - Classes, Beach and Karaoke |

Intermediate Wed/Fri Morning Class - Yoshi, Yamamoto-san, myself, Hiroko
and Ms. Otska
Poyao: Notice the aesthetically pleasing arrangement of balanced heights.

Advanced Wed/Fri Morning Class

The students study the bible as we listen to Morisawa-sensei's message.

Morisawa-sensei gives a message after class. Yay! Sensei!

Phillip got it stuck and couldn't get it off so he told me to try it.
Phil: Actually, I kind of look like the Borg with that thing coming out
of my eye.

The ultimate in sun protection, quickly and easily attaches to your existing
Poyao: Yo, that's one COOOLLL cat.

Poyao: Fil modeling his lastest line of .... BAKA-WEAR.

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
Poyao: Dang! Who put this hole here?!

Miwa, being a female, gets to put the finishing touches on Poyao the mermaid.
Poyao: That's one FAAAAAT mermaid!

Blow me a kiss!
Poyao: The mermaid seduces innocent bystanders to take pictures of her....
many pictures....

Miwa needs to make some adjustments...
Poyao: Hey! If those were real I'd be really mad.

Phil: I'm melting, I'm melting!

It's cooler in the sand, and a beautiful Taiwanese man is burying me.
Phil: I'm burying him too.

Go feet, save yourselves!
Phil: Those look like weeds... I better whack them with my machette.

This is me dying of water....
Phil: You mean LACK of water?

Don't touch those!
Phil: He let ME touch them...

I fashioned a Sumo wrestler's body for Phillip.
Phil: It's amazingly difficult to breath under all that fat... oh, and
the sand too.

It suits him well.
Phil: I think this body suits me well.

Phillip eventually falls asleep due to boredom.
Phil: I'm Han Solo and I have been encased in carbonite! Help!

I didn't know that the rafts were splitting through mitosis!

A picture of Phillip and Miwa at the beach. No, really.


Yes, this is our stake on the beach.
Phil: Is that Poyao's swimming suit on the ground?

Japanese sure LOVE floating rafts.
Phil: Beached whale, beached whale!

Phillip tells Miwa to go back into the water and try swimming again!
Phil: NO! You're not allowed to stand up!

Miwa looks like she is signaling the international signal for help me!
Get me out of here!

Playful kids draw a sumo ring and play....sumo.

Methinks someone is mocking me.
Phil: Yes, everyone at the beach...

Phillip tries to squeeze out all the water from his shirt.

Ah, our trusty old karoake machine... the joys you bring are endless.

Surprise photo!

Phillip explains to Masami why he only likes to sit with women.
Phil: It's to get away from Poyao.

Hiroko and Anna share a song together.

Poyao and Masami sing oldies together!
Poyao: Look at the subtle but smooth modeling of the newest line of Fossil

Hiroko and Anna sing their hearts out while Yamamoto-san looks for more
Poyao: Young-uns.... ahhhh... so much spunk.

Yamamoto-san, a pretty quiet student really belted out the songs with
surprising talent!

Speaking of talent, this one is going straight to the TOP!
Poyao taking a picture of me taking a picture of Poyao taking a picture
of me taking a picture of... well... you get the idea...

Poyao: Here's me taking a picture of Fil taking a picture of me taking
a picture of....well... you get the idea....