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 Whiteline Subframe Lock Bolts

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These are Whiteline Subframe Lock Bolts that firm up the connection between the chassis and rear subframe to improve the feedback from the rear end.   

The location for the lock bolts is above the rear sway bar end links on each side. There are two subframe bolts and in between is an empty hole, which is where the lock bolt goes.

Depending on how dirty your car has been, you may need to clean out the threads in the hole. Mine wasn't too bad and I just soaked it with PB Blaster to rinse it out a bit.

Loosen the two subframe bolts (blue arrows) but do not remove them. This will allow the subframe and chassis to line up better (in case they are misaligned).

Then simply thread the lock bolt into the hole and tighten until it bottoms out, then torque to 66 ft-lbs (red arrow).

Tighten the original two subframe bolts as well.

Repeat for the other side and you're done.

It's hard to describe what these do, but almost immediately after, the car just seemed... more together, or at least like it was providing more feedback. It's not like you don't know where the back of your car is when you're driving but somehow it just feels less vague. It's a pretty cheap upgrade too so it's worth it.


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