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Japan Church Planting Institute 2013 National Conference!
It's time for my biennial trip to Japan to serve the Japan Church Planting Institute National Conference! For more information on the trip, please see japancpi.com/

This year, God has provided a team for me to serve with. My team from Chicago is made up of:
  • Phil (myself) from Streamwood, IL
  • Dan from Chicago, IL
  • Hilary from Rockford, IL
  • Hunter from Stevens Point, WI
Amazingly enough, two of the team members I just met this year! I met Hunter in April (I talked about him in my last post about the motorcycle in Florida). I met Hilary this spring at Willow Creek Community Church. And I have known Dan, who goes to my home church, since 1996 when I met him in college. Needless to say, God is wonderful, or as they would say in Japan, subarashi!

Our trip to Japan is from November 8 through November 18. We will be serving alongside 50 other volunteers from states across the US, including Missouri, Florida, Virginia and others. Together we will help my friend John Mehn, Director of the JCPI Conference (and also from Rockford, IL) put on this biennial conference which serves Japanese missionaries and pastors. Our main ministries will be conference setup, administration, and teardown; providing a Vacation Bible School for children; and running the main sessions and workshops of the conference.

I am extremely thankful to God for making this all happen, but with a team comes more responsibilities and unfortunately, more costs. Typically, I try to finance myself so as not to be a burden on others, but with four people we need help. I have already decided to cover all of our airfare using the frequent flier miles I earned from work, and I have even sold the above motorcycle in Florida to raise money. But we still have a ways to go!

The total cost of our trip so far is $7,426.40. Of this we have raised $4,001.40, which is 53.9%. We are well on our way, but could use additional help.

Interested in supporting our team?
Donations are tax deductible through our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt sending organization:
Impact Japan

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Posted 09/17/2013 09:38 PM in Christianity, Japan | Total Comments: (1)
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Submitted by 1 on 03/10/2025 01:52 AM

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