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Ugh, my mom's nagging me to death again. This time it's about my weight and how I don't do anything about it. I reminded her that I got the Bowflex and that I use it and that when I go to the basement I don't just sit on the floor and do nothing. But apparently my trying isn't good enough for her. Yet another reason that I can't wait for my job/project to finish so I can get out of here. Maybe for the last few weeks of the project I should just live in the hotel since I don't even know what it's like right now.

It's actually an interesting dilemma, b/c part of my actually really wants to stay in St. Louis b/c I really like the church I'm going to now. I decided to look around and see if there were any other churches besides TPC. Two weeks ago I decided to visit West Hills Community Church which is just a block from my parents' house.

The visit was an interesting one. I didn't wake up until 10 that Sunday and was just planning to visit churches till I found one that had a service that was about to start. West Hills would be the first one I checked. Turns out they had a 10:45 service so I ended up there. I was reading their church background and Statement of Faith and learned that they are Baptist, but follow the Willow Creek style of worship. I also learned that they support a missionary in Japan. Seemed like quite a coincidence to me so I eagerly proceeded to the sanctuary for the service.

That Sunday ended up being a special Sunday because their youth missions trip to Mexico had recently returned and they were giving their report to the congregation. I saw a great testimony and a video about what they did in Mexico and as a result, I really felt prompted that it was time for me to go on some sort of missions trip again. Well, the sermon came next and at the end of service, during the announcements, the assistant pastor added one last thing to the end.

It turns out that West Hills sent a team to Japan last year for a service mission and that they are planning to send another this November. Woah! At that point, I started to get the feeling that my going to West Hills on that particular day was more than just a coincidence. I have since talked to both the Head Pastor, Assistant Pastor and the Japan trip coordinator and have explained my situation and none of them see a problem with me joining them despite living in Chicago.

The missions trip will indeed be service oriented and short term. It is only a one week long trip and the main purpose will be to support the administration of the Japan Church Planting Institute's annual conference. We may lead worship, share testimonies, handle registration, watch kids or do whatever else needs to be done to help the conference run smoothly. This way, the Japanese pastors who attend can use the week to renew themselves and enjoy some teaching without being burdened further. Sounds like a great opportunity to me. Anything to get to Japan! :)
Posted 08/23/2004 01:12 AM in Uncategorized | Total Comments: (2)
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ha! I understand how it is to leave a church to come back to chicago...
Submitted by kristina on 08/23/2004 08:49 PM

I don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a brhteor out.
Submitted by EjdBGGKfzjc on 08/26/2011 03:40 PM

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