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My Heart for Japan

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by Japan. I can remember as far back as first grade when I used to come home from school to watch Robotech and Voltron, both Japanese style animation based on Japanese characters. On top of that, my parents introduced me to many Japanese dishes such as tonkatsu, sushi, omlette rice and japanese style tofu. I also thought Japanese cars and bikes were cool. I don't quite know why Japan fascinated me so much, but perhaps the truest and simplest answer is the right one: because God made me that way.

At the end of 2000 I attended the Urbana missions conference where I realized that God commands (not requests) each and every one of us to, "... go forth and make disciples of all nations..." As I walked past hundreds of missionary groups wondering where I should serve, I came up on the booth for Asian Access where I felt that God was calling me to serve Japan.

With those convictions in my heart, I went on the following trips:
  • August 2001 - Taught English for two weeks in Nagoya with Asian Access
  • July 2002 - Taught English for four weeks in Tokushima with Asian Access
  • November 2004 - Served on the Media Team for the Church Planting Institute in Hakone
  • November 2005 - Served as Media Team Lead for the Church Planting Institute in Hakone
  • November 2007 - Served as Director of Media for the the Church Planting Institute in Hakone
  • November 2009 - Served as Director of Media for the the Church Planting Institute in Hakone
  • May 2011 - Served with Converge Worldwide doing 3.11 Tsunami Relief work
  • August 2011 - Served with Converge Worldwide and Samaritan's Purse doing 3.11 Tsunami Relief work

I do not know what will happen in the future but I believe God gave me a passion for the Japanese people and I look forward to more opportunities to serve Him there. In the meantime, please feel free to follow the links to the right and learn more about the opportunities I've had so far.
Japan Trips

Here is a list of the various trips to Japan I have taken so far. I hope this list will get longer every year.

July 2001
Teaching English with LIFE Ministries at Nagoya Glorious Chapel

July 2002
Teaching English with LIFE Ministries at Tokushima Eikoh Church

November 2004
Serving the Church Planting Institute annual conference in Hakone

November 2005
Serving the Church Planting Institute annual conference in Hakone

November 2007
Serving the Church Planting Institute annual conference in Hakone

November 2009
Serving the Church Planting Institute annual conference in Hakone
Part 1 on facebook
Part 2 on facebook

May 2011
3.11 Tsunami Disaster Relief

August 2011
3.11 Tsunami Disaster Relief

Japan Links

  • Asian Access
  • Japan Travel Info
  • Japan Rail Pass
  • Exchange Rates
  • Japanese Language

  • Japan Facts

  • Ministry in Japan is so hard that sometimes the country is called "The Missonary's Graveyard"
  • Less than 0.4% of Japan follows Christ, the smallest of any major people group.

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