Japan 10/31/2007 - Ice Cream City in Namjatown
Ice Cream City is located on the second floor of Namjatown and hosts 7 different ice cream shops. |
Here is a directory of their specials |
Here is the sign for the Brussels style ice cream. |
Here is a display of many of the different types of ice cream found throughout Japan |
Here was a huge store full of tiny cups of ice cream that you could buy and sample. |
Gelato Nero (Black). I asked them what flavor the black gelato was, but they couldn't understand... Maybe it was ikasumi? |
They called this Magic Ice Cream. It is similar in concept to Cold Stone or Marble Slab, but they start with an almost liquid base and actually mix in ingredients as it freezes so it is mixed together very well. |
I just saw this in a hallway. I don't think it's real... |
A wide variety of exotic soft serve flavors like wasabi, kinako (soybean), yogurt and others that I couldn't read. |
This was an interesting Turkish ice cream. They freeze large portions of it in a barrel and knead it with a long metal mixer. This method gives it more elasticity allowing him to stretch it into long strings for show. Here you can see the server has extracted the entire batch of ice cream on the end of his mixer (center) and after serving a single scoop, he dips it in a chocolate fountain. |