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Japan 2004 - The Church Planting Institute of Japan

In November 2004 I went to Japan for two weeks. The first week I spent visiting friends in Osaka, Kobe and Tokyo and helping prepare for the Church Planting Institute of Japan's annual conference. The second week was spent running the conference in Hakone, followed by a free day for tours around Tokyo.

Please take some time to read the related journal entries listed on the right. These contain all sorts of details about my trip.

Also listed on the right a collections of pictures taken while in Japan. Enjoy!

Related Journal Entries

Here is a list of Blargh entries I made related to this trip. These entries track my progress from the beginning when I first learned of the trip to the end when I wrote about the results of the trip.

Here is a list of pictures I took at different times throughout the trip.
  • Osaka - Meeting friends
  • Kobe - Meeting friends
  • Hakone - CPI Conference
  • Tokyo - City Tours
  • Subaru - Random Subaru pictures

    Peculiar People

    One other pleasant surprise I had about this trip was the opportunity to see and meet Peculiar People. PP is a husband and wife team that performs dramas that will make you cry, whether it be from a particularly touching moment or from a particularly uproarious joke. I highly recommend seeing them if you have a chance and meeting them as well. Here is a page that provides excerpts of their training class on drama in the church at the CPI conference. Here's the Peculiar People website.

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